with al
I have found that by sharing real before and after shots from my clients homes I can show how I have implemented organised systems for my clients and how my strategies work in practice.
When I work with clients to fully reset their wardrobes we start by emptying everything - as we do for any space and you can see how that has allowed us to make good decisions about what will go where. Open shelving is hard to keep tidy - unless you are a folding aficionado with all of the time in the world - so we used it with shoes here - easy to keep tidy and they also look cool!
Then we zoned the other areas - this wardrobe has a blind corner so in there we hung the seasonal items that my client wouldn't need until the next season - so once the weather changes its a simple swap out for her.
Simple changes here - we moved the heavy jumpers out and kept this space for lighter knitwear, blouses and jeans - much easier for my client to see what she has - zoning and colour coding helps visually. Also by seeing everything you had you know and will use what you already own!
When I have a client with beautiful pieces I like to style them and show them off! It is a shame to keep them hidden in the boxes! Some nice consistent jeans folds has helped improve the aesthetic of the shelving. Also some of the smaller camis and vests were moved into drawers which work better for the smaller items of clothing.